As the world struggles to adjust to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we turn to the young generation to inspire us on how to recover and rebuild our societies and economies. FERD’s List is a joint initiative by JA Europe and FERD that recognizes inspiring JA Alumni from across the world. This year’s nominees came from all over Europe and beyond and eight finalists were selected by Johan H. Andresen. These personal stories and impressive professional journeys show the life-changing impact of giving young people practical entrepreneurial experiences at school.
For decades, Junior Achievement programmes have been equipping young Europeans with practical entrepreneurial skills and preparing them for the future of jobs. Imagine the societal impact of offering such an opportunity to every young person at least once during their time at school! How many more social entrepreneurs, innovators and visionary business leaders would Europe have? The 2020 FERD’s List honourees are an illustration of what young people are able of achieving when given the right opportunities and support. The more young people we engage and inspire, the more solution-providers we will have to tackle the huge challenges ahead of us.
Join us for a series of interactive webinars to discover and engage with this year’s FERD’s List Honourees in person. Starting from their personal journey as entrepreneurs, we will discover their thoughts on the state of business, entrepreneurship, education and technology and how they will contribute to the recovery of our economies and societies.
The dates of the webinars will be announced shortly, so stay tuned!
Discover the profiles of 2020 FERD’s List Honourees!