What do a TV presenter, an impact investor, an architect, a social entrepreneur and an NGO leader have in common?
They all say that the practical entrepreneurial experience they had at school changed their outlook and direction in life. Today they are outstanding entrepreneurs and leaders, creating value and “leaving a lasting footprint.”
In its third edition, FERD’s LIST celebrated eleven honourees during a ceremony at the Vienna University of Economics in front of 400 young people from 60 countries attending the JA Global Alumni Conference.
FERD’S LIST is an initiative of JA Europe, in partnership with FERD, a family-owned, Norwegian industrial and financial group, and aims to highlight the lasting impact entrepreneurship education has on young people and how this kind of education contributes to job creation and cultivates leadership.
“We already know from research that there is a direct link between entrepreneurship at school and the creation of startups later, but we wanted to showcase some of those success stories. Today’s world needs leaders with good values, young people who actually show us different ways to create a social change, fight inequality, climate change, improve inclusion or promote diversity… There are so many examples and so much inspiration,” said Johan H. Andresen, Chairman and Owner of FERD.
• Andrzej Truszczyński, CEO of TKHolding www.tkholding.pl
• Steph McGovern, Financial journalist & TV presenter www.bbc.co.uk
• Santiago Jiménez Cortés, Co-founder and CEO of Liight www.liight.es
• Danielius Stasiulis, Co-Founder of BitDegree, Founder of Startup Division www.startupdivision.eu
• Christian Frost Røine, Co-founder & CEO of FELL www.fellmarine.com
• Karina Khudenko, Head of PwC Russia Corporate Responsibility Committee www.pwc.com
• Bonnie Chiu, Founder & CEO, Lensational www.lensational.org
• Ray Dargham, Founder & CEO – STEP Group www.stepgroup.co
• Leonardo Martellotto, JA Americas’ President www.jaamericas.org
• Zhang Biwei, Founder and Director of Art Dream www.artdreamchina.org
• Emmanuel Nyame, Co-founder and Board member of Educational Communities Worldwide Inc. www.educom.world
The honourees cited how perseverance, thinking out of the box, resilience, leadership and team spirit have made the difference.
In his closing remarks, JA Worldwide President and CEO, Asheesh Advani, said: “The intent of FERD’s LIST is to seek out and celebrate great role models. Our JA theory of change is simple: If you’ve identified with somebody who has achieved success, who has some similarity to you, you can start thinking of yourself as actually able to achieve that success.”
Ferd is a family-owned Norwegian industrial and financial group that is an active and long-term owner of strong companies with international potential and an investor in a broad range of asset classes. In addition to the group’s purely commercial activities, Ferd has a strong record of involvement in social entrepreneurship and micro finance.
JA Europe is Europe’s largest provider of education programmes for entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. In 2018, we equipped 4+ million students in 40 countries with the knowledge, skills and attitude they require to start a business or get a job. JA works with the education and business communities as well as governments to provide young people from primary school to university with experiences that build the skills and competences they will need to succeed in a global economy. JA Europe is the European Regional Operating Centre for JA Worldwide®.